ROBOOP, A Robotics Object Oriented Package in C++
utils.h File Reference

Utility header file. More...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits>
#include "newmatap.h"
#include "newmatio.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define WANT_STRING   /* include.h will get string fns */
#define WANT_STREAM   /* include.h will get stream fns */
#define WANT_FSTREAM   /* include.h will get fstream fns */
#define WANT_MATH   /* include.h will get math fns */
#define M_PI   3.14159265358979
#define GRAVITY   9.81


double deg2rad (const double angle_deg)
double rad2deg (const double angle_rad)
ReturnMatrix x_prod_matrix (const ColumnVector &x)
 Cross product matrix.
ReturnMatrix pinv (const Matrix &M)
 Matrix pseudo inverse using SVD. More...
ReturnMatrix Integ_Trap (const ColumnVector &present, ColumnVector &past, const Real dt)
 Trapezoidal integration.
void Runge_Kutta4 (ReturnMatrix(*xdot)(Real time, const Matrix &xin), const Matrix &xo, Real to, Real tf, int nsteps, RowVector &tout, Matrix &xout)
 Fixed step size fourth-order Runge-Kutta integrator.
void Runge_Kutta4_Real_time (ReturnMatrix(*xdot)(Real time, const Matrix &xin), const Matrix &xo, Real to, Real tf, int nsteps)
void Runge_Kutta4_Real_time (ReturnMatrix(*xdot)(Real time, const Matrix &xin, bool &exit, bool &init), const Matrix &xo, Real to, Real tf, int nsteps)
 Fixed step size fourth-order Runge-Kutta integrator.
void odeint (ReturnMatrix(*xdot)(Real time, const Matrix &xin), Matrix &xo, Real to, Real tf, Real eps, Real h1, Real hmin, int &nok, int &nbad, RowVector &tout, Matrix &xout, Real dtsav)
 Integrate the ordinary differential equation xdot from time to to time tf using an adaptive step size strategy. More...
ReturnMatrix sign (const Matrix &x)
 Sign of a matrix.
short sign (const Real x)
 Sign of real.
bool isZero (const double x)
ReturnMatrix trans (const ColumnVector &a)
ReturnMatrix rotx (const Real alpha)
 Rotation around x axis.
ReturnMatrix roty (const Real beta)
 Rotation around x axis.
ReturnMatrix rotz (const Real gamma)
 Rotation around z axis.
ReturnMatrix rotk (const Real theta, const ColumnVector &k)
 Rotation around arbitrary axis.
ReturnMatrix rpy (const ColumnVector &a)
 Roll Pitch Yaw rotation.
ReturnMatrix eulzxz (const ColumnVector &a)
 Euler ZXZ rotation.
ReturnMatrix rotd (const Real theta, const ColumnVector &k1, const ColumnVector &k2)
 Rotation around an arbitrary line.
ReturnMatrix irotk (const Matrix &R)
 Obtain axis from a rotation matrix.
ReturnMatrix irpy (const Matrix &R)
 Obtain Roll, Pitch and Yaw from a rotation matrix.
ReturnMatrix ieulzxz (const Matrix &R)
 Obtain Roll, Pitch and Yaw from a rotation matrix.


Real fourbyfourident []
 Used to initialize a $4\times 4$ matrix.
Real threebythreeident []
 Used to initialize a $3\times 3$ matrix.
const double epsilon = 0.0000001

Detailed Description

Utility header file.

Definition in file utils.h.

Function Documentation

void odeint ( ReturnMatrix(*)(Real time, const Matrix &xin)  xdot,
Matrix &  xo,
Real  to,
Real  tf,
Real  eps,
Real  h1,
Real  hmin,
int &  nok,
int &  nbad,
RowVector &  tout,
Matrix &  xout,
Real  dtsav 

Integrate the ordinary differential equation xdot from time to to time tf using an adaptive step size strategy.

adapted from: Numerical Recipes in C, The Art of Scientific Computing, Press, William H. and Flannery, Brian P. and Teukolsky, Saul A. and Vetterling, William T., Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Definition at line 346 of file utils.cpp.

References rkqc().

ReturnMatrix pinv ( const Matrix &  M)

Matrix pseudo inverse using SVD.

If $ A = U^{*}QV $ is a singular value decomposition of A, then $ A^{\dagger} = V^{*}Q^{\dagger}U$ where $ X^{*} $ is the conjugate transpose of $ X $ and $ Q^{\dagger} = \left [ \begin{array}{cccc} 1/\sigma_1 & & & \\ & 1/\sigma_2& & \\ & & \ddots & \\ & & & 0 \end{array} \right ]$ where the $1/\sigma_i $ are replaced by 0 when $1/\sigma_i < tol $

Definition at line 98 of file utils.cpp.

References pinv().

Referenced by pinv().